The Evaluation of Cross-Border Cooperation in the EU

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Co-funded by the
Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Secțiunea curentă: Membri


12 iunie 2015

Luminiţa Şoproni

soproni_lSenior lecturer at the Department of European Studies and International Relations, University of Oradea. She is project manager at the Institute for Euroregional Studies, for the Master program in Regional Development and Institutional Communication. She was the academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet European Module “Mass-Media and Intercultural Dialogue in Europe without Borders” (2007-2010). She coordinated the Leonardo da Vinci project entitled “Skills Improvement for the Romanian Students as Future EU Civil Servants” having University of Alicante (Spain) and University of Brescia (Italy) as partners. She is editor of Eurolimes (Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies – Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence), volumes: 3/2007 (Media, Intercultural Dialogue and the New EU Borders), 8/2009 (Europe and its Economic Frontiers), 12/2011 (Communication and European Frontiers). Her scientific interests are focused on international and regional economics, international communication and negotiation, and regional marketing.